vendredi 27 août 2004

Dictatorships and Double Standards

No apologies whatsoever to either Jeane Kirkpatrick OR to Simon & Schuster for appropriating the title of her wonderful 1983 book which outlined why we have to support guys like Saddam Hussein and Shah Reza Pahlavi of Iran. (Hint: It's because they aren't Communists.)

No, I'm talking about the henchmen of the Bush dictatorship, and their cronies in the media, who continue to apply differing standards to C-Plus Augustus and his challenger.

Media Matters reports in detail on the quantity of the mainstream news media's reporting of allegations against John Kerry which have already been proven false vs. the coverage of Captain Codpiece's peculiar absence from his own National Guard service during the Vietnam years.

Meanwhile, Bob Herbert has had just about enough of this:

In what is surely the most important election of the last half-century, we seem trapped in the politics of the madhouse. What is incredible is that these attacks on men who served not just honorably, but heroically, are coming from a hawkish party that is controlled by an astonishing number of men who sprinted as far from the front lines as they could when they were of fighting age and their country was at war.

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