jeudi 26 août 2004

NY Firefighters Replace Black Children as Bush Props

As George W. Bush gets ready to hold his coronation party in the city he stiffed financially after the events of 9/11/2001 gave him carte blanche to begin his dictatorship, he's decided to give up on using African-American children as props for his attempts at appearing compassionate.

His new favorite teddybear is the New York City firefighter:

President Bush wants to watch the Republican convention from a New York City firehouse and "bond" with the city's Bravest, officials said yesterday.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is also scouting out firehouses so he can watch it with the heroes of 9/11.

"Both Bush and Schwarzenegger want to bond with city firefighters," said one city official who asked not to be named.

I wonder if Commander Dickless and the Steroid Automaton are going to put on firefighter suits and bring a sign that says "Mission Accomplished"? I also wonder what "bond with" them means. Doesn't that expression seem a tad, to use one of Arnold's favorite expressions, well, girly-man? Don't REAL Republican men clap each other on the back, or whack each other on the ass in fraternity rituals, or go out and beat up on gays, or things like that? Doesn't this sound kind of Iron John? Something LIBERALS would do?

Meanwhile, I wonder what those firefighters whose heads Bush wants to rub will think of all this, especially since:

1) New York ranks 49th among the states in homeland receipts from Washington on a per-capita basis

2) Under Bush, Homeland Security officials dropped a federal program to integrate fire and police communications systems, which will cost New York $6 million.

3) Homeland Security secretary, Tom Ridge, announced a $200 million cut in a similar program for 2005 and a cut of 33% in the Assistance to Firefighters program.

4) The FDNY requested $250 million from the Bush administration for the next three years for anti-terrorist equipment and technology. That funding has not been allocated or delivered.

5) Bush cut FIRE Act grants for equipment and personnel to local fire departments by $246 million in his 2005 budget

(Source: New York Sun, 5/4/04, via

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