mardi 17 août 2004

Osama Bin Laden? Who's that? The name vaguely rings a bell but I don't remember....

Dan Froomkin (WaPo) notes how Osama Bin Laden has disappeared off of George W. Bush's radar, for all that C-Plus Augustus is running an ad vowing to "bring an enemy to justice before they hurt us again."

Let's forget for a minute about singular/plural agreement; this sure sounds like Bush is leaving the door open for "an enemy" to be just about anyone he deems "an enemy" to be, whether it's Saddam Hussein, or Tom Daschle, or, oh, maybe John Kerry.

Froomkin notes that Osama Bin Laden is now playing Lord Voldemort, or He Who Must Not Be Named, to Bush's attempt at playing Harry Potter.

Interesting stat to toss out at your Republican friends: Bush has mentioned Osama Bin Laden only 10 times since the beginning of 2003, but has mentioned Saddam Hussein more than 300 times.

In case you needed further proof that a) Yes, in fact, Bush HAS drawn sufficient linkages between Saddam Hussein and 9/11/2001 to rewrite history in most people's minds; and b) for whatever reason, Bush is not interested in capturing Osama Bin Laden, that OBL is of more use to him free than captured. Perhaps the two of them are planning the next terrorist attack on the U.S. even as we speak; getting it ready to go as soon as it looks like Kerry just might win this election.

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