mardi 16 septembre 2008

Slacker Uprising! Michael Moore's New Movie Hopes to Get Out the Youth Vote!...And Offers Itself Up Free!

Michael Moore mailed me this morning (of course, along with his entire mailing list,) to offer up his newest movie, Slacker Uprising, as a free download. He is doing this partly as an anniversary gift to his fans, almost 20 years after his first major hit, Roger and Me, but also in the hopes of getting out the youth vote across America. Its also a good publicity stunt and probably wont eat into whatever profits he was gonna make in the first place via this Brave New Films release. Whoever sees movies in theaters does it at this point for the theater experience, and people who buy DVDs to own a physical representation of whatever it is, are gonna do that regardless of a free download. Who he is reaching with this delivery system is probably a population of kids who would find a way to get it free anyway...or not bother. These kids are a group who has to get out and vote, and they may yet be America's best secret weapon and last chance.

Say what you will about Moore, but he is a real activist and his particular form of agitprop theater teaches and motivates fantastically. Call it Moore's little October surprise or whatever you want...we need all the help we can get at this point and the reality of that is pretty stark considering whats happening under our noses every day. People often give up at this point because of the polls and the nightly news hammering how helpless we all are. Hell, I feel helpless, but I'm not going to give in to the propaganda that would have me paralyzed to the point of inaction, and invite another 4 or 8 years of disaster.

So, go here, sign up, and most importantly, put in some emails of slackers or those who know slackers, so that Moore might contact them himself and offer them this movie, a pack of Hanes or some Ramen noodles, and motivate them to head down to their polling places come election day and let their voices be heard in this mess! Its time to grow up and take responsibility for the future that we wont have if we don't get on this now! For the activism alone, heavy handed as it sometimes is, I've gotta be proud to have Michael Moore out there fighting the good fight for our country.

c/p RIPCoco

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