samedi 20 septembre 2008

Saturday Big Blue Smurf Blogging: What They Said

Today's honoree: Kevin Drum, for wondering why it is that we can't afford health care and we can't afford to help people keep their homes, but when executives run corporations into the ground, the taxpayer checkbook is open.

Money quote:
So: why are we willing to fund an enormous RTC-like agency to bail out bankers, but not an enormous RTC-like institution to bail out ordinary people? Lack of lobbyists? Republican ideology? A desire to punish irresponsibility regardless of the disastrous sytemic consequences? Or what?

I know! (Raises hand.) It was to sucker people with one hand gripping onto the middle-class ladder into buying houses they couldn't afford so that they would inevitably fall back into poverty; and to make sure that the rest of the middle class would follow shortly thereafter.

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