mercredi 17 septembre 2008

I'm sorry, but this is just beyond the pale

OK, so every word out of Sarah Palin's mouth is a lie, including "and" and "the". She preaches abstinence to other people's teenagers but parades her pregnant 17-year-old around as if she's a paragon of Christian Moral Values. She gets outraged when people ask her difficult questions, she names cronies to political positions, she's mean-spirited, vindictive, and utterly ruthless. Any one of these would be bad enough.

But THIS is just too much:
Four years later, the ambitious Palin won the Wasilla mayor's office -- after scorching the "tax and spend mentality" of her incumbent opponent. But Carney, Palin's estranged former mentor, and others in city hall were astounded when they found out about a lavish expenditure of Palin's own after her 1996 election. According to Carney, the newly elected mayor spent more than $50,000 in city funds to redecorate her office, without the council's authorization.

"I thought it was an outrageous expense, especially for someone who had run as a budget cutter," said Carney. "It was also illegal, because Sarah had not received the council's approval."

According to Carney, Palin's office makeover included flocked, red wallpaper. "It looked like a bordello."

Flocked, red wallpaper? If nothing else disqualifies her, this should.

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