mardi 23 septembre 2008

Funny how they're only "concerned" about "questionable" voter registrations in swing states

Funny, that.

Funny how Camp Grandpa isn't questioning any voter registrations in states that John McCain is likely to win, only those in which disenfranchisement might tip the balance in their favor:
Two advisers to John McCain's presidential campaign today said a flood of questionable voter registration applications in swing states threatens to undermine the accuracy of the November election and could prevent legitimate voters from registering for a ballot.

The warning came less than a week after the Democratic party filed a lawsuit in Michigan seeking to end what its lawyers said were Republican efforts to suppress votes of poor people and African Americans, two historically Democratic constituencies. The move indicates the Democratic and Republican parties are set to battle over voter registration in the remaining weeks of the campaign.

On a conference call with reporters this afternoon, former Republican senators John Danforth and Warren Rudman said a coalition of community organisations called Acorn had in several states submitted voter registration applications for people who were already registered.

The senators did not accuse the group of fraud, but suggested the group's registration drive was "diluting" legitimate votes and causing havoc in the nation's voter registration process.


Today, Danforth sought to link Acorn to the Obama camp, noting that a political action committee affiliated with Acorn endorsed Obama.

He also said the McCain campaign was concerned that some ballot stations in heavily Democratic areas would be allowed to remain open on election night after their scheduled closing.

State laws typically allow that anyone on line to vote when the polls are scheduled to close may cast a ballot, but Danforth said he was concerned polling sites would be kept open to accommodate Democrats' late voter turnout efforts.

Yes, that's John Danforth, the former Missouri Senator who used to be what passes for an honest broker in the Republican Party.

Note how the McCain campaign is going to zero in on polling stations that stay open late to accommodate people who, like we saw in Ohio in 2004, have to wait in line for up to ten hours because a partisan and corrupt Republican Secretary of State, Kenneth Blackwell, held back voting machines in largely minority districts.

The Republican Party's voting-problem mantra is "voter fraud", which is code for "minority voters who show up at the polls to vote Democratic". This is a party that would disenfranchise entire swaths of people rather than have just one person perhaps slip through the cracks. They focus on "illegal immigrants showing up to vote", when the reality is that the LAST thing someone who is undocumented wants is to be exposed while trying to vote.

Let's not mince words here: The Republican Party is about disenfranchising Democratic voters. Just as this party has been all about "You're either with us or you're a traitor" since the 9/11 attacks, the Republican Party would return us to the days when only white men --their most reliable consituency -- are allowed to vote.

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