samedi 26 juillet 2008

Was the mortgage mess planned for the purpose of disenfranchisement?

When you look at the states with the highest foreclosure rates for the second quarter, they sure look like states John McCain needs badly if he wants to win in November:

1. Nevada, with 1 in 43 households in foreclosure
2. California, 1 in 65
3. Arizona, 1 in 70
4. Florida, 1 in 78
5. Colorado, 1 in 129
6. Ohio, 1 in 134
7. Michigan, 1 in 137

...and Georgia, Massachusetts and Illinois rounding up the top 10.

One side effect of all these foreclosures is going to be a large number of displaced voters -- voters whose registrations will be at their foreclosed address; voters with other things on their minds than changing their registrations. Either they won't show up, or their addresses won't match, or they won't know where to vote.

And all of this is happening as states are pushing through voter ID laws.

DDay calls it legal disenfranchisement. And it sure looks like it may very well be.

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