jeudi 10 juillet 2008

Of course they do, because for them, anyone to the left of Mussolini is a liberal

Hey, Senator Obama....if you thought that voting to give George W. Bush unfettered power to spy on Americans for any reason at any time and to give the telecom companies immunity would somehow inoculate you from charges of being some sort of raging Commie, guess again:

Republicans see a different Obama. The National Journal rated him the most liberal member of the Senate last year. His advisers say the rating system is faulty, but McCain and other Republicans say it is an accurate reflection of Obama's political philosophy.

Peter Wehner, a former Bush administration official who is now at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, considers Obama someone who can move his party to new places on race and religion. But on policy, he sees him as conventionally liberal. "The Democratic Party today is quite liberal, and Obama, if anything, will deepen the roots of its liberalism," he said.

One would think you'd have learned, after the last decade and a half, that it doesn't matter how much a Democrat moves to the right -- Republicans will still tar you as some kind of raging socialist Threat to the Very Survival of the Republic™.

Clearly you haven't learned that yet. I wonder what it's going to take to get through to you.

Or maybe it IS clear, and you're part of a rigged system that just puts out Democrats to be sacrificial lambs to fool us into thinking that the government represents us, when it doesn't at all.

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