samedi 26 juillet 2008

Does this mean we'll have to start watching Busby Berkeley musicals?

Actually, I've always had a particular fondness for Busby Berkeley musicals. Busby Berkeley was sort of the Max Fleischer of live action films in that you wonder under what kind of drug-induced haze he came up with this stuff.

"We're In the Money" from Gold Diggers of 1933 may be one of Berkeley's most tasteless numbers:

...but you have to get up early in the morning to beat the pure Bluebeard-esque weirdness of the parade of disembodied Ruby Keeler heads in "I Only Have Eyes For You" from Dames (1934):

But after two more banks failed yesterday, and with the appalling reality that we have a current president who's more like Herbert Hoover than Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and a media bound and determined to do its sworn duty to convince Americans to elect John McCain, it's beginning to look like those of us alive today are going to be able to have the pleasure my parents' generation did of lecturing kids about how "You don't know what hardship is! In the Depression, we......" etc. Of course when you look around you, you'll wonder if we're made of the same kind of stuff and how we'll come out of it.

I also wonder what escapist entertainment of the new Depression will look like, especially in this summer when this: what constitutes a summer afternoon's entertainment.

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