mercredi 9 juillet 2008

These people are absolutely fucking useless

That's it, I'm going to bed:

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A top U.S. Democratic senator said in a newspaper interview published Wednesday that he would consider supporting opening up new areas for offshore oil and gas drilling.

"I'm open to drilling and responsible production," Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin told The Wall Street Journal, adding that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid could also support the move.

And somehow I'll get up tomorrow, go to work, and get ready to put a little more money down the empty hole that is my Supplemental Retirement Plan -- money that will be eaten up again by the financial markets as if I never had it at all.

And then a decade and a half from now, after President McCain, who says that Social Security is "a disgrace", has succeeded in dismantling the program because a bunch of craven Democrats decided that they just couldn't buck the "I Was a POW" meme, and I'm living in the street because I did everything the way you're supposed to and ended up with nothing because everything I put into retirement plans was lost, whoever the Rush Limbaugh is of that day will tell me it's my own fault.

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