lundi 4 février 2008

This is what a finely tuned tin ear sounds like

This post today by He Who Must Not Be Named Other Than Calling Him Big Blue is so hysterically funny it stands on its own merit, requiring no snark by me:

I'm not poor. I'm not asking for charity. But this blogging thing takes an immense amount of time, and will take even more as the election season progresses. It's the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I do before I go to bed. Much of the time "blogging" isn't actually writing posts, it's reading the immense amount of email, reading an immense amount of news/other blogs/etc..., corresponding with various people, and various other activities which have become a necessary part of the "job." I wake up to 80 new emails, and if I leave the house for a couple of hours during the day (lunch, an errand or two) I'll come home to 200 more. It's become rather impossible to take a break because a break is simply deferring work.

Keeping this thing running, combined with other related obligations and activities, really is a 14 hour/day 7 day/week thing, and it makes it difficult to do anything else.

I prefer the advertising supported model to the extent that it works, but ad revenues, while not horrible, haven't been stupendous over the last few months either. Doing this blog is fun and rewarding in plenty of ways, but it isn't compatible with doing much else and I do have to keep my financial future in mind.

Anyway, if you're feeling generous consider hitting the paypal button below. If your personal finances are less than stellar, please don't and don't feel guilty about that. If you think this blog is a sucky one, consider throwing some change to a superior blogger instead.

I say we take him at his word Why not take a stroll through our blogroll, pick one of the many superior bloggers therein, and strike a blow against hubris (not to be confused with Hubris Sonic, who is one of those superior bloggers) by donating to one of them instead?

And now I have to get back to my full-time, 9-5 job. Some of us don't have the luxury of spending our entire days reading e-mail.

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