jeudi 15 novembre 2007

I hereby declare this "National Holy Shit Day"

Here are the stories that made me say "Holy shit!" today:

  1. Barroid has been indicted:

    Major League Baseball's all-time home run king Barry Bonds was indicted Thursday on perjury and obstruction justice charges, according to KTVU reporter Rita Williams.

    The five-count indictment -- four counts of perjury and one of obstruction of justice -- could put baseball's home run king in prison for up to 30 years.

    The White House quickly weighed in on the indictment. President Bush is a former owner of the Texas Rangers.

    "The president is very disappointed to hear this," Bush spokesman Tony Fratto said. "As this case is now in the criminal justice system, we will refrain from any further specific comments about it. But clearly this is a sad day for baseball."

    Yeah. And they "do not comment on an ongoing investigation", yada yada.

  2. Leora McConnell, the dominatrix who allegedly taught George W. Bush all he knows about torture in the 1980's and who ran for governor of Nevada last year, is missing. (h/t: Jurassicpork)
  3. David Bernstein, that wonderfully savvy radio guy hired by Mark Green to put "less substance" on the radio, who banished Sam Seder to three hours on Sunday (only one if you manage to get the New York affiiate) and decided that the ghastly "Lionel" was somehow a better choice, has had his job "eliminated". Where I come from, we call it "shitcanned." Note to Mark Green: Time to make nice with Marc Maron, arrange to give him the money the previous owners owed him after his divorce is final, and give the man the show he's deserved for the last two years, ever since Danny Goldberg decided to cancel Morning Sedition. And while you're at it, since Lionel probably has some iron-clad contract for some ungodly number of years, move Sam back to that 8-10 slot.

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