samedi 10 novembre 2007

Around the blogroll and elsewhere

Because there's too much good stuff out there for me to link in separate posts...

Melissa says there has too been terrorism in the United States since September 11, 2001. Mike Huckabee probably doesn't think it's terrorism, but it is.

Glenn Greenwald on how Dianne Feinstein is selling us out again. Would someone please mount a primary challenge against this sellout?

Jurassicpork has a post over at his place listing the accomplishments of the Democrats since taking over Congress. And it isn't a pretty one. When you're done, check out the video of his grandson and their dog. I'm not one for babies and even I think this is cute.

Because that's where the money is! Archcrone reports on the latest rash of aspiring Willie Suttons.

Kate's BMI Project shows how ridiculous this measure of supposed "health" is.

Congratulations to John Cole and the Balloon Juice crew for coming out on top of the "Best 250 TTLB blogs" category in the Weblog Awards. With John's migration over to our side of the fence, this victory has to be especially sweet. See how much more fun we are than conservatives? Barry, take note.

Why They Invented the Internets: What started out as a temporary blog to document the "Lisa/Cancer" storyline in Funky Winkerbean has turned out to be a full-on geek community. Most of us only WISH we generated as many comments.

Kevin Hayden gets philosophical and declares himself the enemy of those who would impose theocracy.

The next resource over which people go to war is not oil but water. Pam looks at two places in the U.S. where the rumblings are already taking place.

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