mercredi 7 novembre 2007

George W. Bush has always gotten off on torture

George W. Bush's affinity for torture is nothing new, and has little to do with the so-called "war on terror." It's just another manifestation of his sociopathic psychosis, as is evident form this article from 1967.

Money quote: "A former president of Delta [said] that the branding is done with a hot coathanger. But the former president, George Bush, a Yale senior, said that the resulting wound is 'only a cigarette burn.'"

Have you ever had a cigarette stubbed out on your skin? I have. It was in the Museum of Natural History cafeteria while on an 8th grade field trip. I was robbed of my lunch money (literally) and the perpetrator put out a cigarette on the inside of my arm. If you look really carefully, you can still see the mark. It hurt like a sonofabitch.

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