mercredi 7 novembre 2007

Does anyone actually believe the impeachment of Cheney will go through?

So much for the crazy aunt in the attic, eh? But before we go dancing in the streets at the impending removal from office of Dick Cheney, let's not underestimate the iron will of Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer -- but only when it comes to political expediency. When it comes to some kind of lame political calculation cooked up by consultants and guaranteed to be wrong, they dig in their heels. If it's about what's right for the country, they crumple like a Yugo.

I've been fighting off getting the viral bronchitis that has levelled half my department at work, so I've had little energy to do much other than go to work, come home, make dinner, clean up, watch Olbermann, and crash. So I haven't really had a chance to dig into this and give it the attention it deserves. So I'm going to kick you over to our friend and colleague jurassicpork, and Group Newsblogger Jesse Wendel, who have.

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