vendredi 11 novembre 2005

America wakes up from its drugged sleep

Oh, there are still people out there who still believe everything George W. Bush says. They still believe that Iraq was involved in the 9/11 attacks. They still believe that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They still believe that Bush is an honest man. They still believe his so-called religiousity is somehow synonymous with virtue. And they still believe that God Himself chose this nimrod to be president.

But more and more Americans are waking up. AP/Ipsos has the numbers:

  • Almost six in 10 — 57 percent — said they do not think the Bush administration has high ethical standards and the same portion says President Bush is not honest. Just over four in 10 say the administration has high ethical standards and that Bush is honest. Whites, Southerners and white evangelicals were most likely to believe Bush is honest. (Insert your own Bobby Jon Drinkard / Jamie Newton joke here.)

  • More than eight in 10, 82 percent, described Bush as "stubborn," with almost that many Republicans agreeing to that description. (That trait used to be described as "decisive." Now that his "decisiveness" has driven us off a cliff, Americans are singing a different tune.)
  • His job approval rating remains at his all-time low in the AP-Ipsos poll of 37 percent. (9 points till Nixon.)
  • Only 42 percent in the new poll said they approve of Bush's handling of foreign policy and terrorism, his lowest rating yet in an area that has long been his strongest issue. (Nothing like continued carnage in Iraq with nothing to show for it.)

Here's something that's still worrisome, however:

Many of those who approve of Bush's job performance cited his Christian beliefs and strong values, the second biggest reason for support after backing his policies.

"I know he is a man of integrity and strong faith," said Fran Blaney, a Republican and an evangelical who lives near Hartford, Conn. "I've read that he prays every morning asking for God's guidance. He certainly is trying to do what he thinks he is supposed to do."

I still don't understand what this strong faith is. Is God telling him to drop white phosphorous in women and children in Iraq, burning the flesh right off their bodies? Is God telling him to cut veterans' benefits? Is God telling him to take school lunches out of the mouths of poor schoolchildren? Is integrity and strong faith SOLELY a question of what one does with one's genitals?

Is blind faith the ONLY thing that counts with these people? Deeds don't matter at all?

I hear stuff like this and it makes me want to fight these Christofascist zombies with everything I have. They are no better than the very Islamists they seek to annihilate. If this is what being a Christian is, I want no part of it.

Hopefully, these poll numbers indicate that the Christofascist Zombie Brigade (TMMarc Maron) isn't as numerous as their ambient noise indicates.

UPDATE: The Christofascist Zombie-in-Chief is peevedand petulantly whining about people not going along with his delusion that the charges of book-cooking on prewar intelligence are wrong. Temper tantrums are SO presidential.

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