jeudi 28 octobre 2004

Sorry, George, you can't shift the blame this time

ModFab has the links showing that Bush's attempts to deflect blame for the Al-Qaqaa mess to the Russians, to the Iraqis, to anything but his own policies, are increasingly flying in the face of the least as we in the reality-based community (as opposed to the la-la land that Bush's supporters increasingly have to live in) know them.

Col. Dave Perkins, then the commander of the 2nd Brigade of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division, was first at the scene with his troops, and he says it's highly improbable that the Iraqis could possibly have ferried that volume of explosives out of Al-Qaqaa, given the high level of military presence.

Atrios is also linking to a KSTP-TV exclusive, which reveals that KSTP's crew was embedded with the 101st Airborne on April 18, 2003:

During that trip, members of the 101st Airborne Division showed the 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS crew bunker after bunker of material labelled explosives. Usually it took just the snap of a bolt cutter to get in and see the material identified by the 101st as detonation cords.

The Bush Junta is having to increasingly rely on not just their own delusional state, but keeping the public at the same level of delusion, to keep this story from swamping them. This morning they sent out Saint Rudy to blame the troops (via Atrios). This is the Bush Administration strategy -- never admit mistakes, always blame someone else, even the guys you're sending out to die for you.

I have no beef with thoughtful conservatives and Republicans who just have a different idea of how to an America that's best for everyone. But at this point, it makes absolutely no sense to support George W. Bush for President. If you don't believe he's dangerous, the way people like me do, fine. But this President and the people around him have bungled the so-called War on Terror so badly that they've put not only us, but the rest of the world, at risk. You can stick your head in your ears and shout "La la la la la I Am Not Listening" all you want to; it doesn't change the FACT -- yes, FACT, the kind of things that happen in the Real World, that this administration is hopelessly inept and ought to be driven from office with all the due haste that the electoral process affords us.

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