lundi 25 octobre 2004

Independent Media, my ass

According to the ever-vigilant Xan at Corrente, the report that's bumped the "We Lost 380 Tons of Explosives That Are Now In the Hands of Terrorists" story off the screaming headlines on the major news sites -- the hospitalization of Chief Justice William Rehnquist, is in fact old news. Rehnquist has been in the hospital since Friday.

And we're just hearing about it now, right when Bush needs a distraction and "Kerry forgot Bulgaria" ain't cutting it? YOU do the math.

(Just so you know I'm not a complete monster, my thoughts are with Rehnquist's family. I've seen someone die slowly from thyroid cancer, and it's not pretty and it's not easy. Check your neck, guys. And if you needed a further excuse to vote, and you weren't thinking about the Supreme Court, my family member was just over 12 months from initial diagnosis until the end, with the last four months being a straight downhill slide. Rehnquist may not be my favorite person, but I don't wish this on him. But if he follows a similar course, and it is not an infrequent course for thyroid cancer in older men, a re-elected George W. Bush WILL DEFINITELY choose at least one Supreme Court Justice. We already know that Clarence Thomas is Antonin Scalia's Mini-Me, and that Scalia is Bush's idea of a great justice. Think about having THREE of these troglodytes on the Court.)

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