vendredi 29 octobre 2004

Here's a new one

You've got to wonder how long Ed Gillespie has to practice keeping a straight face in front of a mirror in order to come up with crap like this (emphasis mine):

Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie said he was "disconcerted" by claims that supporters of Democratic challenger John Kerry are clogging early voting locations and attempting to dissuade backers of President Bush from voting.

"Some folks have been intimidated to the point where they turned away from the lines," Gillespie alleged.

Is your head exploding yet? The caging lists, the Republican thugs preparing to challenge every black voter they can find, none of that constitutes voter suppression. Democrats showing up at the polls to exercise their right to vote, now that's suppression of the Republican vote.

Maybe in the la-la land that the Bush campaign and their supporters live in. Those of us who are reality-based are under the impression that voting is one's civic duty.

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