vendredi 29 octobre 2004

.Bush using WTC dead to shill for his election

Raw Story shows us a new flyer that the increasingly desperate Bush campaign is mailing in hotly-contested Pennsylvania, this one making liberal use of horrific images of the burning World Trade Center. You remember the World Trade Center, right? Those two buildings in Commie Homosexual Liberal Jewish New York City that were hit by terrorists, thereby fooling people into thinking that Bush was a leader?

Well, in the waning days of the campaign, Rove & Co. are dancing on the grave of the dead, showing us these images, including the one of the second plane about to hit, to imply that only George W. Bush can keep us safe from terrorists (never mind what a great job they did keeping us safe the first time, barely a month after a Presidential Daily Briefing SCREAMED that Bin Laden was determined to attack, but of course Osama Bin Laden was CLINTON's obsession, so therefore it meant nothing).

I wonder how Beverly Eckert, whose husband, Sean Rooney, was on the 98th floor of the tower depicted in the Bush ad, feels about this. Eckert stayed on the phone with her trapped husband until smoke overcame him. Or how Kristen Breitweiser feels about it. Breitweiser and her husband Ron, an employee of Fiduciary Trust, had both been Bush voters in 2000. Breitweiser was told by her husband, "Sweets, I'm fine. I don't want you to worry," right before the second plane hit a dozen floors below where he was sitting. Or how any of the other reality-based survivors of the attacks feel about their loved ones being used as shills for a president who was asleep at the switch when the attacks were being planned, continued a photo-op after the attacks had begun, ran away like a scared rat after his photo-op, who abandoned the retaliatory war everyone, including me, supported so that he could resolve his psychosexual issues about Daddy and Saddam Hussein, and who is now blaming the troops he commands for his own ineptitude.

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