dimanche 14 août 2011

Around the Blogroll and Elsewhere: Special Republican Clown Car edition

Before I proceed to the linkitude, I want to congratulate my and longtime friends Gabriel (my original blogbrother) and Dennis on 19 years of showing those irresponsible, hedonistic red staters what love and commitment look like.

Now, our shirts are clean and pressed and our haircuts are precise, so let's start the show:

Tom Degan, who can always be relied on for some damn fine rantin', makes me want to go downstairs and dig out Mr. Brilliant's copy of "Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail" for some summer reading now that I have a brief breather of living like a normal person.

Addicting Info has the Bachmann/corn dog photo you've all been waiting for. And Down With Tyranny has even more fun photos from Crazytown, Iowa.

More hilarious Iowa Straw Poll photographs at Princess Sparkle Pony's photo blog. Nothing like people with a million dollar line of credit at Tiffany's pretending to be Just Like Iowa Farm Folks.

Batocchio: Thou Shalt Not Question Supply-Side Jesus.

Beeryblog identifies America's dummy belt.

At Driftglass, a Photoshop job that should give you nightmares. Especially since the homonculus you're looking at is going to be the next president.

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