samedi 28 mars 2009

Why do I know more than Harry Reid does?

I knew there was no massive program of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but Harry Reid didn't -- and voted to authorize our invasion of that country. I knew that John Roberts was an extreme right-wing conservative, but Harry Reid didn't. And now he's bemoaning the fact that we're stuck with him:
enate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Friday that John Roberts misled the Senate during his confirmation hearings by pretending to be a moderate — and that the United States is now “stuck” with him as chief justice.

“Roberts didn’t tell us the truth. At least Alito told us who he was,” Reid said, referring to Samuel Alito, the second Supreme Court justice nominated by President George W. Bush. “But we’re stuck with those two young men, and we’ll try to change by having some moderates in the federal courts system as time goes on — I think that will happen.”

Reid’s comments, which came during a wide-ranging discussion hosted by the Christian Science Monitor, reflect Democratic concerns that Roberts presented himself as a neutral arbiter of the law but has wielded a relentlessly conservative agenda. Republicans reject the attacks, saying Roberts has been a fair judge and has been consistent in his opinions.

Perhaps Sen. Reid should read something other than the crap written by the Beltway press corps that slavishly serves the interests of the GOP. Then perhaps he might not also be saying in the same article that he hopes the Republicans don't filibuster all of Barack Obama's judicial nominees.

I already know they will do just that. Why doesn't Harry Reid?

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