mercredi 18 mars 2009

Wednesday Big Blue Smurf Blogging: What They Said

It's a streak!

Today's honoree: John Aravosis, who says that the correct answer to the threats from Wall Street is "Go ahead: Make my day."

Money quote:
Enough already. First, there are no jobs. There are no competitors to run to. If these people don't get bailed out, they will lose their jobs, they will lose their companies. So please spare us this bull about how if we don't give people $100,000 bonuses, in the middle of a massive recession, they'll somehow leave. Where pray tell will they go? Other than to the 70th floor to jump off the building.

But more importantly, who the hell do these people think they are? I'm worried about making any money at all this year. As I'm sure many of you are. And these folks are whining about the only thing they got going, a free handout mind you, to keep them alive? To keep us alive? If these companies don't want to join whatever program the administration comes up with to save credit, to save our economy, then nationalize them or, if it's safe to do so, let them fail. But enough of this greedy, whiny crap about how they're all going to leave if we don't give them massive bonuses. Let them leave. Then let them join the unemployment line while figuring out how to pay their mortgages on $400 a month. It's time to tell these companies to STFU, and jam this down their throats. They don't like it, they can go bankrupt or be nationalized. But enough of the games, and enough of the weakness telegraphed by the administration and the Fed.


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