samedi 14 mars 2009

Move over, Juan Valdez, there's a new face of coffee

For what they claim is only a limited time (perhaps because of Marc Maron and Sam Seder's history of being allowed to broadcast on Air America's dime), the Just Coffee co-op is offering special Break Room Live coffee blends! Choose from

Just Coffee is a 100% fair trade roaster that would deserve support even if they didn't sell coffee in special Break Room Life funny bags. But today we at B@B are doing the happy-happy dance because we asked them to do this. Choose from the delicious and informative Break Room Blend, Survival Sam's Survival Roast, to be used only in the event of Peak Coffee, Angry Chef Happy Coffee, and the Handshake Special blend, where cynicism and pessimism make peace.

El Exigente that, bitchez.

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