vendredi 20 février 2009

Its Friday...

...and after such a harrowing week, there is something to be said for laughing babies (guaranteed to brighten the day of even the most hard assed criminals out there:)

Another reason to be cheerful is the return of Bill Maher tonight at 11PM EST on HBO, complete with the little online after show. Oh, I know that he is one of the most hated personalities in Hollywood, but lets give him his due as someone who never shrunk away from the serious controversy of the Bush era. This guy spoke his mind even if it meant that he lost his job. And though I don't always agree with him and I wouldn't date him or even want to know him with a 10 foot pole (so, stop calling me, Bill!! The answer is still no!!,) he has stated some very important truths in public that needed desperately to be said; for that, I am thankful.
So, I will be there tonight with bells on...for those of you who hate him for personal reasons, I would suggest that you avoid him on the party circuit, cancel the dinner party invites, and any of those big HBO projects that you have in the pipelines, and tune in. As long as hes not beating up Rhianna, I for one will be very interested to hear what he has to say about all that's happened since we last spoke.

c/p RIP Coco

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