mercredi 25 février 2009

Around the Blogroll and Elsewhere: Special Post-Speech Edition

There's a post about "OK, Obama's great...but let's look down the road a piece, shall we?" kicking around in my head, but it has to wait till I don't have to leave the house by 6:15 AM for a 7 AM meeting. But some of our fellow bloggren have come up with enlightening and sometimes entertaining responses to Barack Obama's speech last night. So let's give 'em some linkitude:

Sherry at A Feather Adrift seems to have had the same thought I did: that if this guy is really this good and he can do even half of this, he could be literally the Best. President. Ever. She has some nice snark about Mr. Jindal's Neighborhood, too.

Animal Rollins D. Menace notes some plagiarism of Sarah Silverman in Bobby Jindal's rebuttal.'

What Sammy Said, or Great Minds Think Alike.

SteveAudio weighs in in the Epic Louisiana Fail of 2009 and how it rendered Rachel Maddow speechless. (This is almost too easy. And it oughta be illegal to provide this much snarkitude.)

Blue Girl has a future writing captions for Countdown. This one is great.

Why We Lurve Paul Krugman.

D-day debunks B-Jay's ridiculing of volcano monitoring. (I think Olbermann read D-day while prepping for tonight's show.)

can't decide which of the Republican identity politics wingnut lunatics would be more fun in 2012.

You'd better make sure to wrap your cranium with duct tape before reading what Terrance found. We're talking cranium-combusiting Stoopiditudeness.

John Amato
makes the case that Bobby Jindal's speech was ugliness and race-baiting disguised as comic ineptitude.

Driftglass and the title "Shorter Bobby Jindal". Perfect together. (And nobody does it better....except maybe Ornery Bastard.)

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