mardi 10 février 2009

And this guy is supposed to be the "saner" Christofascist Zombie alternative to Sarah Palin

I don't recall Jesus saying anything about Emily's list and the ACLU, do you? Apparently Mike Huckabee does:
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee warned supporters Tuesday that the $828 billion stimulus package is “anti-religious.”

In an e-mail that was also posted on his blog ahead of the Senate’s passage, Huckabee wrote: “The dust is settling on the ‘bipartisan’ stimulus bill and one thing is clear: It is anti-religious.”

The former Republican presidential candidate pointed to a provision in both the House and Senate versions banning higher education funds in the bill from being used on a “school or department of divinity.”

“You would think the ACLU drafted this bill,” Huckabee said. “For all of the talk about bipartisanship, this Congress is blatantly liberal.”

So, Huck, does that "blatantly liberal Congress" include the whiny-ass babies like Lindsey Graham and John Boehner, throwing tantrums because they no longer get EVERYTHING they want?

Guess what, Huck. Your party lost. You lost because your party is populated by people like you -- people who worship at the altars of greed, hypocrisy, and willful stupidity. And thank God Americans aren't so far gone yet that they couldn't realize that.

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