jeudi 19 février 2009

And remember, Cheney wanted a pardon last week for Scooter Libby

Remember Valerie Plame, the CIA NOC operative that the winguts all said was "just a pencil pusher" but who turned out to be investigating trafficking of weapons in and out of Iran? The then Vice President decided it was more important to get petty revenge against Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, for debunking the Iraq/yellowcake/Niger claim of the Bush Administration than to, uh, KEEP ACTUAL WEAPONS OUT OF THE HANDS OF ROGUE NATIONS.

These are the guys that we were told for eight years were "keeping us safe."

Well, now the chickens unleashed by Cheney's vindictive, petty revenge have come home to roost:
Iran has built up a stockpile of enough enriched uranium for one nuclear bomb, United Nations officials acknowledged on Thursday.

In a development that comes as the Obama administration is drawing up its policy on negotiations with Tehran over its nuclear programme, UN officials said Iran had produced more nuclear material than previously thought.

They said Iran had accumulated more than one tonne of low enriched uranium hexafluoride at a facility in Natanz.

If such a quantity were further enriched it could produce more than 20kg of fissile material – enough for a bomb.

“It appears that Iran has walked right up to the threshold of having enough low enriched uranium to provide enough raw material for a single bomb,” said Peter Zimmerman, a former chief scientist of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

The new figures come in a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, released on Thursday. This revealed that Iran’s production of low enriched uranium had previously been underestimated.

Perhaps if Cheney and Scooter Libby had allowed Valerie Plame to do her job, we wouldn't be in this mess today.

Just something to think about the next time Cheney decides to shoot his mouth off again.

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