samedi 21 février 2009

Hal Turner is The Joker

Or a joker, at any rate.

I'd heard rumors circulating around the intertubes that Hal Turner was planning on sabotaging the Obama inauguration last month with poison balloons. At first, I didn't believe them until I did a little skullduggery tonight and found this:
Then how about this: Balloons filled with Helium to float, then a special little "something" is poured inside. The balloons are tied shut with firecracker fuse. The fuse is lit and the balloons released.

As they float over the inauguration crowd, the burning fuse reaches the balloon and it pops, dropping its "payload" on the crowd below.

Too far fetched? It got tested and it worked! The video of the test appears below.

Watch the video and imagine what payload, other than the index cards taped to the outside of the test balloons, might be substituted? HMMMMM. Might it be something messy? Something smelly? Something contagious? Something deadly? Ahhhh, such possibilities.

Maybe he meant Obama's other inauguration in 2012.

But what this reminded me of tickled the back of my head until this very minute. It took a while but it finally hit me:

Maybe Obama stole his balloons.

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