jeudi 18 décembre 2008

Laggards. They did this here YEARS ago

Remember Ari Fleischer, telling people they have to "watch what they say, watch what they do"? Remember George W. Bush saying "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists">? How about all the slobbering fearmongers of right-wing talk radio, like Sean Hannity, who has said that liberalism leads to treason. Rush Limbaugh has accused both Joseph Wilson and former Sen. Majority Leader Tom Daschle of treason, the latter for daring to question George W. Bush's rationale for war. (No, he has never apologized.)

So I'm not sure that the Bush Administration has a whole lot of room for righteous indignation about this:
Rights activists Wednesday denounced new legislation backed by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin that would allow Russian authorities to label any government critic a traitor, calling it a chilling throwback to times of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.

The bill, which is expected to become law, would expand the definition of treason to include damaging Russia's constitutional order, sovereignty or territorial integrity. That, activists said, would essentially let authorities interpret any act against the state as treason — a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

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