vendredi 28 décembre 2007

So is Bin Laden really creating U.S. policy, yanking our chains, or in cahoots with the Administration?

Isn't it funny that whenever it seems George W. Bush is in trouble, Osama Bin Laden comes to his rescue by releasing a recording?

Joe Sudbay remembers here how a Bin Laden tape released right before the 2004 election played right into that reptilian brain of the voters and put George W. Bush in office for a second, even more disastrous term. He's saying that the Bhutto assassination could have the same effect, but just in case the destabilization of Pakistan isn't enough to assure the most bellicose Republican the nomination, now we have -- you guessed it -- the announcement of another Bin Laden recording:

DUBAI, Dec 28 (Reuters) - An Islamist Web site said on Friday it would carry a new recording from al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden about "foiling plots" in Iraq.

The Web site said the 56-minute recording would also be about the Islamic State in Iraq, an al Qaeda-linked group in the country.

It did not say when the video or audio recording, produced by al Qaeda's media arm As-Sahab and entitled "The Path to Foiling Plots in Iraq", would be posted.

Al Qaeda messages have been often released within three days of their announcement on Web sites.

It doesn't matter when it's posted, the important thing is to get it out there at the last possible minute before an important U.S. electoral event, in this case, the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries.

And it happens EVERY FUCKING TIME.

Now, if this were a sane world, Americans would respond to this by thinking that if this group is still out there, and if Osama Bin Laden is still out there, maybe that means the tough-talking Bush Administration doesn't know what the hell it's doing, and maybe it's time to try another approach. But this isn't a sane world, and Americans, like Pavlov's dogs, do tend to go for the tough rhetoric when they feel scared. So just in case the mandatory media meme that the assassination helps Bush's hand-picked successor, Rudy 9iu11iani, doesn't work by itself, here comes Bush's good friend Osama to hammer the point home.

You can't buy friends like that

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