samedi 22 décembre 2007

Look who's actually doing something to support the troops

Remember when the Democratic-controlled Congress, which can't seem to end this war or do anything other than pass resolutions declaring Christianity "an important religion", decided that its most important work was defending Gen. David Petraeus against those blue meanies at

Well, look who's spearheading a drive to send phone cards to soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan so they can call home during the holidays? I'll give you a hint: It isn't Bill O'Reilly. It isn't Jonah Goldberg. It isn't Rush Limbaugh. It isn't the Christian Coalition.

It's, working with USO:

Dear MoveOn member,

This winter, thousands of U.S. servicemen and women are spending the holidays far away from their families, and calling home can cost them a large part of their paycheck. Troops stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and around the globe actually have to pay for phone calls to the U.S.—and many of them just don't have a lot of money to spare. Imagine being stuck in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Korea and being unable to afford a call to your spouse or kids on Christmas or New Year's Eve.

That's why we're helping the USO to provide thousands of phone cards to troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world to let them call their friends, family and loved ones this holiday season.

These phone cards don't cost a lot—only $15 each, but they are incredibly valuable, providing about 45 minutes of talk-time and holiday wishes for service members.

Can you give $15 to buy a phone card for troops stationed overseas? Click here to chip in:

MoveOn members are committed to seeing our troops come home as quickly as possible, and we'll keep working to make that happen. But right now, supporting the USO is a simple way to make a genuine difference in the lives of brave men and women who've sacrificed a lot for our country.

Can you chip in to buy phone cards for troops stationed overseas this holiday season? Click here to contribute:

Happy holidays from all of us and thanks for all you do.

–Nita, Adam G., Karin, Marika, Noah, Laura, Joan, Wes, Justin, Jennifer, Anna, Eli, Matt, Ilyse, Daniel, Adam R., Carrie, Tanya, and the Civic Action Team
Thursday, December 20th, 2007

P.S. To learn more about the USO, a non-governmental, non-partisan organization, please visit

Alternatively, you can also send USO care packages, which let you also enclose a personal message.

Just as pro-life conservatives believe that insurance companies should be allowed to let seventeen-year-olds die in the name of profits, they also believe that supporting the troops and their lives means leaving them in a war zone indefinitely without a clearly-defined mission.

Let's show them who's REALLY got their backs.

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