samedi 29 décembre 2007


Not that I would have known it if Melina hadn't sent me the link (because my fucking New York Times delivery guy hasn't delivered the Goddamn paper on Saturday since he got his Christmas tip and what's the point of home delivery if you don't get the fun sections a day early?), but the Grey Lady pays tribute to the late, great Steve Gilliard in its annual "Lives they Lived" edition of the Magazine.

Not, however, that this makes up for them bringing on WILLIAM FUCKING KRISTOL as a columnist....

And of course it would be even more awesome if Steve Gilliard were still here, but kudos to the Times for recognize how important he was to the blogging community. Now if they only got it right about his life. Group News Blogger Jesse Wendel sets the record straight. I never even knew the man and I miss him every day, though not as much as I would if the GNB-ers weren't doing such a fine job carrying on his legacy.

More from Driftglass, Liberty Street USA, Tom Watson, Barbara O'Brian at Mahablog, BlueGal at Crooks and Liars, Lindsay Beyerstein, Matt Browner-Hamlin, Kevin Hayden, Pachacutec at FDL, and the usual suspects.

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