vendredi 19 août 2005

Another nail in the coffin of science in America

Republicans: Taking America Forward Into the 15th Century.

Now Bill Frist, a physician, who is supposed to know better, thinks "I don't understand's too must be MAGIC!!" (TM Marc Maron) should be taught in science classes as a credible alternative to evolutionary theory:

"I think today a pluralistic society should have access to a broad range of fact, of science, including faith,"

Uh....DOCTOR Frist? I hate to tell you this, but faith is not science. Never was. You can dress it up in fancy clothes, but it's still faith. It's still belief with no empirical evidence, not subject to any scientific method. It's still belief based on NOTHING but a 200-year-old book.

And here we thought that perhaps the doctor was starting to take over the craven, weaselly politician after the stem cell flip-flop.

After all, why NOT sacrifice an entire generation of kids, make them unable to compete in a global economy, if it means gaining a few cheap points with the fundie nutballs?

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