mercredi 20 juillet 2005

Is is just me, or does this sound like it was penned by a fourth-grader?

I wonder if this is the kind of writing we can expect in future from the fundamentalist Christian home-schooled:

I think that the president did tonight what he said what he was going to do when he was campaigning. I'm happy that the president kept his word. He said he was going to nominate someone who would faithfully interpret the Constitution.

This was a bipartisan effort. Even Joe Lieberman made the comment that John Roberts would be right in the ballpark. I think the "Gang of 14" should be happy. They got together and they were easy to please. The [Democrats] said they wouldn't filibuster.

Roberts has a distinguished résumé. He was on the D.C. appellate court. He was nominated and voted on by everyone in the Senate. I think it's a very smart move on the president's part.

As far as Roe vs. Wade goes, I'm not going to get into that. The president said he wasn't going to have a litmus test. Right now I think Roberts has to go through the hearings. I don't think he'll have to answer all those questions. When Ruth Bader Ginsburg was nominated, Joe Biden said she didn't have to answer those kinds of questions. We're going to let Roberts go through the process.

I don't think he's going to have a problem. He's already been confirmed when he was nominated or the D.C. appellate court. Of course, that wasn't the Supreme Court, but he's been through the process; he's been confirmed. I really don't foresee a problem

The above quote is from Roberta Combs, president of the Christian Coalition of America. Hardly an erudite analysis, but it helps us understand why the Christofascist Zombie Brigade isn't troubled by George W. Bush's inarticulateness -- it's because they're just as inarticulate.

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