mardi 19 juillet 2005

Dispatch from Outer Wingnuttia

The indispensable Digby gives us the Rove-a-palooza spin from the alternate reality that is Outer Wingnuttia. In this one, Fitzgerald is preparing indictments against Valerie Plame and Joseph Wilson, because they are Judith Miller's sources.

I hardly dared follow Digby's link to the cesspool that is Frei Republik, but I had to see this one for myself. Go to Digby if you want the link; I don't want any more of them shitting in my sandbox; I already have two of them and that's quite enough, thank you very much.

But it's worth reading for the echoes of Clinton-hatred that is being shown to the Wilsons from the right. I've posted on the Republican Sex Envy that seems to drive the right-wing's hatred of both the Clintons and the Wilsons, and it really comes into play with the Freepers. They only wish they were as cool as the people they hate.

It's obvious that they can't deal with strong women who have their own independent lives, preferring submissive little thorazine-addled pod-ladies like Laura Bush, who is allowed to say things like "I hope he'll select a woman" for the Supreme Court when it's necessary for the Bush Administration to try to appeal to female voters. But it's equally clear that the concept of a man who not only can deal with strong women, but prefers them, is completely alien to them. Their primal fear of vagina dentata is palpable, and they can't understand men who don't have that fear and loathing of women.

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