samedi 19 février 2005

Meanwhile, out in the delusion-based community...

...we have the CPAC conference, otherwise known as "Wingnut Neverland" -- a place where U.S. soldiers found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and which boasted such luminaries of delusion as Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, and Oliver North.

Don't you wish you had been there to hear things like California Rep. Chris Cox saying:

"America's Operation Iraqi Freedom is still producing shock and awe, this time among the blame-America-first crowd...We continue to discover biological and chemical weapons and facilities to make them inside Iraq."

Meanwhile, Rick Santorum was still obsessed with man-on-dog sex, or at least man-on-man sex:

"I know there are some people who may be economic conservatives and not consider themselves cultural conservatives," he said. Addressing himself to them, he tried to explain how banning gay marriage is crucial to laissez-faire governing. "Think about those communities where marriage does not exist," he said, invoking their poverty and illegitimacy. "What you see is a model of what life would look like in a country that has fathers and mothers not wedded together in strong relationships to raise children." In poor neighborhoods, he said, there's a strong government presence, "because if Mom and Dad isn't there to raise the child, someone else has to bridge the gap, and that someone else is always the government."

Santorum didn't quite explain how proscribing gay unions would strengthen families in poor communities. The assumption seemed to be that homosexuality would make a travesty of matrimony. Like a suburban block where undesirables insist on moving in, its worth would go down. "If we deconstruct marriage in society, if we say marriage is whatever you want it to be, then marriage loses its intrinsic value," he said.

"I'm talking at a very protective level about what is important to our society if we are to be a free people," he said. "The less virtue we have in our society, the more the need for government to control our lives, to govern our lives." In other words, government needs to enforce virtue in order to keep government out of our lives.

The lunatics really HAVE taken over the asylum.

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