vendredi 11 février 2005

Hey, Condi! Yer knickers are burning

So where are we again? Oh yeah. It's almost a month since C-Plus Caligula was inaugurated for his second term, and NOW we get the part of the 9/11 report about the 52 warnings the FAA received in the months prior to the September 11 attacks. And NOW we get Richard Clarke's memo to Condoliar Rice, now that she's been sworn in as Secretary of State and is already thrusting her defiance at the Iranians and behaving boorishly to the Europeans.

"No one could have imagined them taking a plane, slamming it into the Pentagon — I’m paraphrasing now — into the World Trade Center, using planes as a missile" indeed. Maybe someone competent could have.

From page 3 of the Clarke memo:

Attached is the year-end 2000 stategy on al Qida developed by the last Administration to give to you. Also attached is the 1998 strategy. Neither is a "covert-only" approach. Both incorporated diplomatic, economic, military, public diplomacy and intelligence tools. Using the 2000 paper as background, we could prepare a decision paper/guide for a PC review.

You know what this means? The current Secretary of State perjured herself in front of the 9/11 commission. That's perjury, folks -- the same thing the wingnuts wanted to crucify Bill Clinton for. But Bill Clinton perjured himself over a consensual affair, whereas Condoleeza Rice tried to cover up her culpability and negligence in the deaths of over 3000 people on September 11, 2001.

Which do you think is more serious?

Oh, yeah, I forgot for a minute. This is the country in which speculation on the sex lives of cartoon versions of primitive sea life is a national obsession. Silly me.

(Via Waveflux.)

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