jeudi 10 février 2005

And Katherine Lanpher was just starting to become funny, too

With Mark Dayton not seeking another term, Al Franken is answering the siren's call:

Just one day after U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton decided not to run for a second term, comedian Al Franken may be throwing his hat into the ring.

Last year, Franken said he wanted to run for the Senate in 2008. But last night he told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS that he is now considering his candidacy for next year.

Franken, a Minnesota native, plans to make an announcement live on his national radio show in Washington D.C. 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS will be in the studio with Franken for that announcement.

Tell you what, AAR. Make us a preposterously large financial offer and Gabriel from ModFab and I will do that time spot. I can rant with the best of 'em. Well, maybe not as much as Maron, but who does?

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