jeudi 9 septembre 2004

It's not the AWOL, it's the lies

AmericaBlog notes that AP has changed its story about the White House suddenly releasing YET MORE documents about Fearful Leader's National Guard non-service following last night's 60 Minutes broadcast: better not have a comment until you talk to your lawyers because it looks like you just got caught in a conspiracy to withhold documents that you were legally bound to have already released under the Associated Press' earlier FOIA request.

The White House claimed they had released ALL the documents, now tonight, conveniently after 60 Minutes shows the NEW documents on TV, the White House somehow releases the very documents it said it never had? Where did the documents come from, and why didn't the White House release them BEFORE 60 Minutes exposed their existence? And finally, what else is the White House hiding?

Go read the rest.

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