mardi 21 septembre 2004

[Bush] Dictatorships and Double Standards: Tuesday Edition

Atrios reproduces something interesting from Smythesworld, which takes us in the wayback machine, back to those halcyon days of presidential blowjobs, when any allegation, any piece of paper, was reprinted as Biblical Gospel Proof that the President is a Degenerate. One of the leading so-called "journalists" involved in just about everything designed to bring down Bill Clinton was Chris Vlasto, an ABC News Producer who... well-known for his far-right connections. In 1994, he acted as an emissary from Ken Starr to lobby both James and Susan McDougal to cooperate with his inquisition. In 1995, he produced a report on ABC that accused Hillary Clinton of perjury, based largely on a doctored video clip of the First Lady. In 1998, he threw a celebratory party for Paula Jones and her attorneys after Bill Clinton was forced to testify before the Lewinsky Grand Jury. In October, 2001, he produced a report that claimed a connection between Saddam and the anthrax attacks on Senator Daschle, et al., as well as being one of the first journalists to detail a link between Muhammed Atta and the government of Iraq; both allegations were subsequently discredited. More recently, Vlasto ran a misleading report suggesting that Howard Dean had covered-up incidents of alleged domestic abuse by one of the state troopers protecting him; it was repudiated as "slime" and denounced by those denizens of the far left, Andrew Sullivan and John Ellis. And now comes word that the tape itself was made by the Nixon Administration, which viewed Kerry as an "enemy".

Vlasto is now working diligently to paint John Kerry as a traitor because of the medal incident.

But all the outright lies, half-truths, uncorroborated stories, and falsified documentation used by Vlasto over the course of his career were never met with the kind of outrage by the right that Dan Rather's use of highly suspect documents about Their Own God's Anointed Horseman To Lead Them Bravely Lo Unto the Rapture Thereby Freeing Them From All Those Uppity Women, Uppity Negroes (sic), And Especially Those Money-Grubbing Jews have been. Vlasto still has his job, but it's doubtful that Dan Rather will keep his. Because the so-called liberal media isn't so liberal after all.

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