lundi 24 novembre 2008

Monday Cat Blogging

I know that Cat Blogging is a Friday thing, but if you're like I am, and you've somehow managed to either stay employed or by some miracle, as I did, find another job, you're probably feeling a strong urge to thank whatever fates have spared you from the wolf at the door for the time being by Giving Something Back. Last weekend I sent a sizable chunk of change to the local Center for Food Action so families in need here in Bergen County could get the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner, and I'm participating in my employer's gift tree, in which you take a tag off the tree in the lobby and buy the gift that's on the tag.

But if you're a card-carrying member of the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee, or you picked up a fabulous poufy quilted furry throw for your drafty living room and find yourself turning up the heat because the cats do so love the thing, you could do worse than use some of your holiday gelt to help out Eric and Jim, whose cats somehow miraculously survived the destruction of their home in the California wildfires, but have also incurred astronomical vet bills.

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