lundi 16 juin 2008

No fucking way in hell

No. Just no. Never. Ever, ever, ever:

The election of 2008 has been widely noted as the possible end of the Bush dynasty. But President Bush and the first lady have another candidate in mind to extend the brand: Bush's brother, Jeb.

During an interview in London with SkyNews, the Rupert Murdoch-owned satellite network, the correspondent asked: "We've had father and son in the White House. Is that the end or not?"

Bush responded: "Well, we've got another one out there who did a fabulous job as governor of Florida, and that's Jeb. But you know, you better ask him whether or not he's thinking of running. But he'd be a great president."

Laura Bush, who was also being interviewed, chimed in, calling public service "an unbelievable life" and saying that "one of the reasons George and his brother, Jeb, served in office is because they admired their father so much."

"So he's not the last Bush?" the reporter asked, referring to the president.

"Well, who knows," Laura Bush responded. "We'll see."

(TUESDAY UPDATE: Steve Rosenbaum thinks McCain won't make it to the convention and will drop out of consideration, whereupon the party will pick a nominee. If he's right, then this can be considered a trial balloon. Nothing to ensure that Captain Codpiece doesn't go to the Hague like having his brother in the White House.)

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