lundi 16 juin 2008

American Idiot Watch for Monday, June 15, 2008

Today's American Idiot is Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, who's allegedly on John McCain's short list, presumably under the premise that if Republicans have a "brown guy" on the ticket it'll make them look like something other than the regional racist party.

Jindal is a guy who was a biology major in college but who has performed exorcisms and thinks that intelligent design is simply an "alternate view" that deserves to be taught in schools right alongside evolution. He thinks it should be up to local school boards to decide whether students are taught reality or fairy tales:

We have the likes of John Edwards, Kathleen Sibelius, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden, and yes, Hillary Clinton under consideration. They have a guy who claims to have driven out the devil and thinks "I don't understand must be MAGIC" (&trade: Marc Maron) constitutes scientific method.


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