dimanche 29 juin 2008

Around the Blogroll and Elsewhere

Because there is just too much unbelievable, mind-boggling crap going on for me to write about.

At Group News Blog, Jesse Wendel writes about how the government now claims it has the right to seize your laptop, your flash drive, your iPOD, and any other device you carry, in the name of fighting terrorism, kiddie porn, or the tattered remains of the Fourth Amendment (you know, the one the gun nuts don't give a shit about). And The Littlest Gator writes about the tomato salmonella outbreak, which has now sickened 800 people -- and no one even seems to care anymore...perhaps because we have reached outrage fatigue stasis.

At Down with Tyranny, the Ciara Durkin case is revived, and not surprisingly, the government is still saying it was a case of suicide. Yup. And Pat Tillman wasn't killed by friendly fire. And I am Marie of Rumania.

Jurassicpork on how the Bush Administration drank our milkshake.

JellyJules is still having a tough time dealing with the loss of her (and our) beloved Maya's Granny. Go give her a hug.

Fran I Am recounts a funny story about what happens when people go off their nut over terrorism.

Digby on how we were right all along when we chanted "No Blood for Oil!" before the Iraq War.

Tata weighs in on the Bureau of Land Management's freeze on solar power initiatives -- and throws in a cool Warner Bros. cartoon reference in the bargain.

It's ShortWoman's blogiversary this month! And since there's one more day, you can still buy her a present.

If you're a disgruntled Hillarion thinking that somehow voting for John McCain will show that mean old Barack Obama, you might consider reading Max Blumenthal in The Nation. Yes, Max's genitalia is not of the "correct" configuration for you, but he shows that even the Arizona GOP knows what a wack-a-doodle the Senator from the Desert is.

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