lundi 28 mai 2007

A few things you should read

Been thinking you should go vegetarian, maybe eat more soy protein instead of melamine chicken, melamine fish or mad cow and E coli-tainted beef?


Have I mentioned lately how much Driftglass rocks?

I think Cindy Sheehan may have made the mistake of succumbing to the siren song of the A.N.S.W.E.R. left, but this makes me sad.

I had a productive weekend. I did some housework, caught up on ironing, spent some quality time with Mr. Brilliant, and got enough sleep. I even caught up on some work left undone last week by my problems keeping focused. I needed a three-day weekend. That said, there's something about the callers to WFAN wishing Steve Summers a "happy Memorial Day" that bugs me.

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