samedi 12 mai 2007

The Daily Knut

How DO you teach a polar bear cub to swim?

[UPDATE: video deleted because it was mucking around people's browsers. You can view it here.]

The adult polar bear pictured is Knut's father, Lars. I'm told that the footage of the frightened cub is Lars in his youth to illustrate how it is not unusual for cubs to be somewhat afraid to swim at first.

Whenever I'm tempted to think that Thomas Doerflein has the coolest job in the known universe, I remind myself that we never see Knut poop in these videos, nor are the videos in smell-o-vision.

UPDATE: Oh. My. God. This is "Peace", who was hand-raised in Japan's Tobe Zoo in 1999. You have been warned, though -- Japan is where they have elevated Cute to an art form:

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