vendredi 19 janvier 2007

Referring to the president as a god and making burnt offerings is, however, perfectly acceptable

And you thought the press was finished fellating the Bush presidency:

Rich Little won't be mentioning Iraq or ratings when he addresses the White House Correspondents' Dinner April 21.

Little said organizers of the event made it clear they don't want a repeat of last year's controversial appearance by Stephen Colbert, whose searing satire of President Bush and the White House press corps fell flat and apparently touched too many nerves.

"They got a lot of letters," Little said Tuesday. "I won't even mention the word 'Iraq.'"

Little, who hasn't been to the White House since he was a favorite of the Reagan administration, said he'll stick with his usual schtick -- the impersonations of the past six presidents.

"They don't want anyone knocking the president. He's really over the coals right now, and he's worried about his legacy," added Little, a longtime Las Vegas resident.

As well he should be. But is it the job of the White House Correspondents' Association to keep this president in his little bubble?

This is what happens when you allow the right-wing echo chamber to hammer its message without hammering back. Whether it's turning an accurate point that neither Nancy Pelosi nor Condoleeza Rice has a personal stake in Bush's war escalation into "an attack on a single, childless woman" or claiming that a sharply satirical comic performance was tantamount to a physical attack on the President, the press has allowed itself to be cowed by the gasbags of the right for far too long. So now, in an effort to somehow "atone" for having someone intelligent provide the comic relief last year, the press has decided that George W. Bush must be allowed to stay in his little bubble and not trouble his beautiful mind about his botched adventure in Iraq.

I'm sorry, but this mean little fucker in the White House deserves to be reminded of the body count and the blood his war has spilled every waking hour of every day of his miserable little life. Even at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

(h/t: Attytood and Americablog)

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