jeudi 11 janvier 2007

Can we please have an end to the "Condi for President" talk now?

Christ, this woman is a fucking idiot. Or she's fucking an idiot -- the idiot in the White House. Ha ha. NOT.

Remember when she was asked by Richard Ben-Veniste about the now-infamous August 6, 2001 PDB, and she blithely said, "I think it said....'Bin Laden determined to strike in U.S." -- as if she were talking about the latest Philippa Gregory novel.

Well, she did it again today. It's not an escalation, it's an "augmentation that allows the Iraqis to deal with this very serious problem that they have in Baghdad."

And she said it with a straight face.

In a heated exchange with Hagel, a potential presidential candidate in 2008, Rice disputed his characterization of Bush’s buildup as an “escalation.”

“Putting in 22,000 more troops is not an escalation?” Hagel, a Vietnam veteran and longtime critic of Bush’s Iraq policy, asked. “Would you call it a decrease?”

“I would call it, senator, an augmentation that allows the Iraqis to deal with this very serious problem that they have in Baghdad,” she said.

Hagel told Rice, “Madame secretary, Iraqis are killing Iraqis. We are in a civil war. This is sectarian violence out of control.”

She disputed that Iraq was in the throes of a civil war. To that, Hagel said, “To sit there and say that, that’s just not true.”

Crooks and Liars has the video. Go watch it; it's extraordinary. She's just as twisted and delusional as her boss/bed partner.

Far be it for me to give Novakula any credence, but if for once in his life he's right, this bitch has done as good a job at fucking up the State Department as her lover has been fucking up the rest of the world:

Republicans in Congress who do not want to be quoted tell me that the State Department under Condoleezza Rice is a mess. This comes at a time when the U.S. global position is precarious. While attention is focused on Iraq, American diplomacy is being tested worldwide -- in Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, Korea and Sudan. The judgment by thoughtful Republicans is that Rice has failed to manage that endeavor.

These people must be stopped. It's time to put impeachment back on the table and throw Cheney into the mix as well. Let Nancy Pelosi recuse herself from the process to avoid a conflict of interest, and let the House introduce articles of impeachment now. Meanwhile, Harry Reid should close himself up with Norm Coleman, Chuck Hagel, and that nutball Sam Brownback and tell them: If you don't come on board, you won't have a party, because you won't have a world. This lunatic is going to take you, your party, and the entire country down the tubes unless you put your country ahead of blind party loyalty and come on board. Help us get rid of this bunch of criminals and then we can start talking bipartisanship. This is no longer about Democrats and Republicans, it's about doing what's right for the country and the rest of the world.

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